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Undisclosed Inwood St
$ 359,000
Cross Street: Rockaway Blvd Directions: See Gps Remarks: Conveniently Located Close To Public Transportation, Shopp [more]
Cross Street: Rockaway Blvd Directions: See Gps Remarks: Conveniently Located Close To Public Transportation, Shopp [more]
Sutphin Blvd – Springfield Gardens
$ 850,000
Beautiful Huge 1 Family House In Heart Of Westbury. Newly Renovated With New Wood Floors Cherry Cabinets And New Ba [more]
Beautiful Huge 1 Family House In Heart Of Westbury. Newly Renovated With New Wood Floors Cherry Cabinets And New Ba [more]
Oliver Avenue, Valley Stream, NY 11580
$ 699,995
This Magnificent house offers much more than meets the eyes. With excellent details, spacious rooms, huge lot a sig [more]
This Magnificent house offers much more than meets the eyes. With excellent details, spacious rooms, huge lot a sig [more]
Summit Ave – Mt. Vernon
$ 378,000
ML#: 2872304 Schools: 11 Mt. Vernon Taxes: $23,000.00 Total Taxes: $23,000.00 Block: 4200 Lot: 35 Adult Comm: N Gat [more]
ML#: 2872304 Schools: 11 Mt. Vernon Taxes: $23,000.00 Total Taxes: $23,000.00 Block: 4200 Lot: 35 Adult Comm: N Gat [more]